Astfel, obții un răsfăț alcalin, antiinflamator, hrănitor, energizant, care susține ficatul în munca de detoxifiere, și care o să-ți facă prietenii invidioși pentru kilogramele în minus, sănătatea și energia de care dispui.
Pe lângă rădăcina de cicoare 100%, mai sunt variante de cicoare, orz, ovăz prăjite sau simplu orz prăjit. Cui nu-i place varianta instant, este și o variantă natur, care se fierbe.
Cicoarea are capacitatea de a regla apetitul, de a regla glicemia, are calitati depurative si efecte probiotice, favorizând o floră intestinală bună. Deci e bună și la slabit :).
A Fine Coffee-Like Delight
For those who want to give up coffee, but prefer to keep the habit of enjoying a chit-chat with friends, one of the alternatives is 100% instant chicory ”coffee” (instant chicory powder and hot water or vegetable milk and honey), in which I like to add a mixture "Latte turmeric" containing turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon. If you want to boost your energy, you can add instead honey ”Amestec Detoxifiant” to your taste, a detoxifying blend which contains honey, spirulina, chlorella and alfalfa. Thus, you'll get an alkaline, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, energizing delight, which supports your liver in its detoxification work, and which will make your friends curious for the minus kilos, and the plus of health and energy you'll have.In addition to the 100% chicory root powder, there are also variants of roasted mixture of chicory, barley, and oats or simply roasted barley. Those who do not like the instant version, there is also a natural variant, prepared especially for boiling.
Chicory has the ability to regulate appetite, regulate blood sugar level, has purifying qualities and probiotic effects, favoring a good intestinal flora balance. So, it is also good in losing weight :).